The Papua New Guinea’s East New Britain Provincial Government budget for this year is projected at over K600 million.
This is the biggest money plan yet for the province, which is almost doubled from last year’s budget of just under K400 million.
The increase in this year’s budget is mainly due to the inclusion of un-used and high turn-over funds from former years, which were attributed to late issue of warrants from the national government last year, compounded by the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) malware attack and it’s subsequent measures issued to the province.

ENB Governor and Chairman of Finance in the Provincial Executive Council (PEC) Michael Marum said that there are also slight increases in the National grants, Internal revenue and the Public Investment Program (PIP) this year.
“The projected budget of K618, 107, 790.00 consists of National Government Functional Grants of over K340 million, with a provincial revenue of more than K101 million, a consolidated District Development Authority (DDAs) budget of over K140m and more than K35m for the LLGs. Our internal revenue for this year is forecasted at K101, 200, 000.00, and comprises of K31 million as it’s recurrent budget with K34m for development,” he said. 
Speaking at the special Provincial Assembly yesterday (Monday Feb 6th) in Kokopo, Governor Marum said that this year’s budget expenditure is guided by the provincial government’s 7 development pillars.
“The first pillar on ‘Making optimal use of available resources’ will get over K52m, the second pillar of ‘Promoting economic development through primary and secondary processing’ is given just over K40m, while the 3rd pillar on ‘Encouraging community participation and promoting family life’ will get over K30m. 
More than K27m is set aside for the 4th pillar on ‘Making rural life more attractive,’ over K70m has been allocated for the 5th pillar on ‘Lessening disparities,’ the 6th pillar on ‘Improving the effectiveness of LLGs’ will get the biggest support of more than K80m, with the 7th pillar of ‘Minimizing law and order’ to get just over K6m,” he said.
The 7 development pillars are captured in the 9 Strategic Result Areas (SRA) for implementation at each of the government levels, from the provincial headquarter right down to the ward level.
“Of the 9 SRAS, the Infrastructure sector is allocated over K407m, making up 70 percent of the provincial budget this year,” he said.

Major projects featured in this year’s budget include the Provincial Civic Centre which will get K2m in support, an Information and Communication Technology or ICT connectivity program, several road accessibility projects which include infrastructure set up for the 5 new LLGs and the Kokopo Rabaul Infrastructure (KRID) Program, the Special Economic Zones which have been given a massive K77 million investment by the national government this year, the Agriculture sector and Downstream Processing which will get over K32m in support, and K1m to be allocated again for SMEs through the provincial government’s SME loan scheme.
There will be focus on sectors like Tourism this year, and continued education interventions with a funding allocation of K2.2m, Law and Order to get more than K17m, with continued assistance in the Health and Community Development sectors, Sports and Recreation and Land Mobilization.
“In this term of Government, we will set up an ENB Land Trust Board, with the aim to protect illegal acquisition of customary land and to facilitate mobilization of customary land for economic projects,” said the Governor.
He said that the government is also looking at setting up an ENB Provincial Water Authority, tasked to guide a water project that is aimed at providing access to safe, clean and portable water.
Also included are road maintenance and upgrading, and the revitalization of the Rural Electrification (RE) program in the province.
“Themed ‘Fostering sustainable livelihoods at the wards, through partnerships for economic growth and development,’ the 2023 budget strikes a balance between addressing today’s pressing needs and the critical investments needed for tomorrow,” said Governor Marum.