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The East New Britain Provincial Government has consistently strived to align its actions with the aspirations of its constituents, demonstrating a commitment to their well-being. Over the past three decades, the Provincial Government has undergone a deliberate transformation in its approach to development planning and decision-making. It has endeavored to encapsulate the wisdom and vision of its pioneering leaders in structured initiatives aimed at influencing the conduct of government affairs.

Enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of governance and management at the Provincial, District, and Local Government levels is a paramount objective for this administration. Strategic enhancements in public sector management necessitate a bolstering of government institutions. A pivotal facet of this endeavor involves fortifying public financial management to foster accountability and transparency in service delivery. The strategies for bolstering public financial management encompass:

  1. Enhancing Government Accounting Systems: Efforts will be directed toward improving the accounting systems employed by the Government.
  2. Reinforcing Auditing and Enforcement Capabilities: The Government will invest in strengthening its auditing functions and enforcement capabilities.
  3. Institutionalizing Integrated Financial Management: Achieving seamless financial coordination between provincial and local levels of government is essential for efficient resource allocation and utilization.

To elevate the standards of public sector management, the East New Britain Provincial Government will implement monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. These mechanisms will serve to hold public institutions accountable, establish robust systems to ensure prudence in policy and budgetary processes, and foster measures to enhance political stability and non-violent democratic processes.

Moreover, a comprehensive reform of the public service system is envisioned, underpinned by innovative practices. This will involve forging strategic alliances, sharing knowledge, adopting best practices, and reorienting bureaucratic structures with incentives to achieve excellence. The Provincial Government is committed to recruiting and retaining competent public servants who consistently perform at a high level. To achieve this, we will:

  1. Implement Merit-Based Recruitment and Promotion: A competitive meritocratic approach will be enforced in recruitment and promotion processes, rewarding outstanding performance and addressing poor performance.
  2. Enhance Educational Requirements: By 2015, minimum tertiary education criteria will be established for newly appointed executive officers in the public service, with a goal of post-graduate tertiary education for all agency and department heads by 2020.
  3. Maintain a Skills Database: A comprehensive database of public service personnel’s skills and educational credentials will be maintained to ensure optimal job matching and flexibility within the organization.
  4. Strengthen Compliance: Mechanisms will be put in place to ensure strict adherence to regulations governing public service performance and the code of conduct.
  5. Performance-Based Contracts: Sectoral heads and executive-level public servants will have contracts aligned with sector-specific targets.

These multifaceted efforts will enhance the efficiency of our public service, ensuring that it remains adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of our constituents while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.